Testing Work!
I have been working on a government tender for the last few weeks. We had gone for the final proposal presentation, whereby they had wanted to know if SMG have done similar 'Customer Perception Surveys'. I had mentioned Sony (our client, but no study done) to salvage the situation. Therefater, they called up Kenny, saying they wanted a reference check from Sony.
Yes I know its a white lie, but under pressure, this is all I could think of. Anyways, before my dream took place, we were waiting for Kenny (Research partner from Joshua Consultants) to let us know of the CSC reaction to the truth.
CSC Discussion...
I dreamt that I was late, rushed to office and met Fiona (one of my colleagues), who mentioned that CSC had called her. Apparently, they were asking her for some details, so she had informed them of whatever she had been briefed on by me.
Then she said "Oh they spoke to Jonathan as well. But I don't know what he has told them." This really annoyed me, since in my dream, only Fiona was supposed to talk to CSC, and Jon (a young colleague) is not very savvy at times. Nice guy, but a bit clueless!
Office Test...
After this I rushed inside the office since I was quite late. I see this huge Hall with desks and loads of people sitting there, waiting to answer some kind of test. At the head, is the Jury, a long line of the Management from my Office who would be judging us. Mark (my boss) is there as well as Yee Tong as Judges. Behind them, is a kind of grate or bars and there are some people behind the bars.
Mark is annoyed with me for being late for the Test, and I want to explain to him, that I became late since I was speaking with Fiona on Office-Work. At the same time, I am thinking to myself "How come Yee Tong is not sitting for this Test?"
The thing that puzzles me is, why do I repeatedly dream of huge spaces, halls?
Underground Secrets
Dreamt this a few days back but did not have time to put it down.
In my dream, I am in a long corridor, which is like a mine, all grey stone, rough edges and gritty with dust. I think I am not supposed to be there, its hidden from everyone. As I walk along, I perceive someone coming along, so I hide behind a ledge, while 2 men walk past me, oblivious to my presence.
Once they are gone, I walk past them down the corridor until I come to huge wooden doors. I open the doors and slip inside. I am amazed to see that its a huge cavernous hollow space, so huge that I can't see into the distance. Its quite dark and gloomy and at the center is a huge lake.
I think to myself "This must be the center of the earth. They have discovered the Center of the World but they don't want us to know about it." I am scared and overwhelmed at the same time.
Sex & Anger
Last night was a strange night. By which I mean, it was raining really heavily, with a lot of thunder. Since we live on the 8th floor in our Singapore condo, it was very loud.
I had a series of dreams that were quite disturbing. I shall describe them the best I can, in no particular order.
In one of the dreams, there was a form of sexual orgy. But it wasn't one of those sexual dreams that turn you on, you know where you wake up all wet, this was just disturbing. There were several people in the dream and I was one of the participants.Another dream was about Yogi. We were having a conversation with this group of people and Jamuna (Udayan's Fiancee) was there. In the dream she was telling Abid about me "Oh she is quite innocent." Abid's reply was quite sarcastic. He said "of you think she is innocent. Actually she is damaged, like one of those goods that have been passed around and no one wants. She's like that girl...." And he named a girl whose name starts with S (can't remember the name). He said this in my presence and I was quite upset that he would day this about me. In the next sequence of the dream, I was beating his head on the floor and then I was kissing him and crying "Baby, how can you talk like that about me? How can you say these things about me to other people?"
In the 3rd dream, I was wearing a towel after a bath and we were back in the Wadala house in Bombay.
I cross over to the neighbours to change/bathe and I see that there is some construction going on. So I come back to our door and I see a girl who tells me "Yash is downstairs". I say to the girl "Oh you are Namrata!" and I am thinking to myself, she looks different. She looks like my friend Namrata who used to by our neighbour (I've lost touch with her long time ago), except in the dream she looks much younger. Then I look down the stairs and I see there are workers there who are looking up at me, wearing my white towel. Definitely strange.
In between all these dreams, I think I dreamt of Rinku Didi as well, but not very sure. Yogi Bear told me that he had dreamt that he was having a big fight with Atul Ketkar. I think he and I are very connected, to the extent of having disturbing dreams on the same night.
That's LOVE : )