Testing Work!

I have been working on a government tender for the last few weeks. We had gone for the final proposal presentation, whereby they had wanted to know if SMG have done similar 'Customer Perception Surveys'. I had mentioned Sony (our client, but no study done) to salvage the situation. Therefater, they called up Kenny, saying they wanted a reference check from Sony.
Yes I know its a white lie, but under pressure, this is all I could think of. Anyways, before my dream took place, we were waiting for Kenny (Research partner from Joshua Consultants) to let us know of the CSC reaction to the truth.
CSC Discussion...

I dreamt that I was late, rushed to office and met Fiona (one of my colleagues), who mentioned that CSC had called her. Apparently, they were asking her for some details, so she had informed them of whatever she had been briefed on by me.
Then she said "Oh they spoke to Jonathan as well. But I don't know what he has told them." This really annoyed me, since in my dream, only Fiona was supposed to talk to CSC, and Jon (a young colleague) is not very savvy at times. Nice guy, but a bit clueless!

After this I rushed inside the office since I was quite late. I see this huge Hall with desks and loads of people sitting there, waiting to answer some kind of test. At the head, is the Jury, a long line of the Management from my Office who would be judging us. Mark (my boss) is there as well as Yee Tong as Judges. Behind them, is a kind of grate or bars and there are some people behind the bars.

The thing that puzzles me is, why do I repeatedly dream of huge spaces, halls?
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