Lost for Attention
The dream I had, had 2 alternate endings and a fuzzy beginning...
Starts off with a young, naive girl, 17-18 yrs, rescued by a older, heroic man from some danger, from some problems. They live together thereafter, I'm not sure if they get married. He's rich, they have many luxuries and they live in a big mansion-like house in a posh, old-money part of town. She falls in love with him and they have 2 beautiful kids. He too loves her, but with him, love is not so obvious...
Years pass, things change, she changes... Becomes older, more sophisticated. As with many other relationships, they start taking each other for granted, they become stale. He starts seeing other women, she starts bringing home young men, in a bid for his attention. But he doesn't seem to care or notice... She flaunts the men in front of him, she's hoping he'll react, say something, he'll care, but he doesn't!
Cut to Alternate Ending 1 (unfinished in my dream)
One day she disappears, he doesn't notice for the first 2 days. Her timings were always erratic, she used to sleep late in the mornings, come back in the wee hours of the night. On the 3rd day, his small son rushes into his arms, crying that he wants Mama... That's when he realizes that she's not been there for atleast 3 days.
Cut to: The electricity in the house suddenly goes off, the house falls into darkness. He goes into his study to find that there are some men sitting there. These are thugs who mean business! They have kidnapped his wife and they want money or else...
Cut to: He's in the living room with a detective/doctor (friend), trying to figure out how the men kidnapped her. They're peering out through the windows blinds. The detective says "Lets assume that these men are nearby, staying in one of the houses opposite since they know so much about this house." There are are some flower-sellers across the street in a open courtyard. The 'husband' remembers that she loves flowers, she loved decorating the house with flowers. He imagines her buying flowers, and she has her baby with her. And he imagines her playing with the baby, sitting down next to the flower-sellers and playing with the child, its just the sort of thing she would do. In her innocense she wouldn't care to see where she was. He told the detective this "I can just imagine her there, and that would catch the attention of the flower-sellers, make her a likely target."
... This part of the dream ended here, moved to Ending 2!
Cut to Alternate Ending 2 (unfinished in my dream)
The girl is sitting on some steps by the river, she is almost naked, she has run away from home. Its night, but there are people around, firelight... She's forlorn, murmurs to herself "Why can't a women have a baby by herself?" She realizes that if she goes back to him, he would take care of her, give her a baby. She thinks that if she shows she loves him and cares for him, she would be able to win his love.
Cut to: The girl is dressed very nicely, wearing a blue sari, head covered. She's going back home to win his love
***********END DREAM**********
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