Burning, burning, burning
Been dreaming of fires, of people being burnt, of trying to burn my house down
Dream 1: Fire Sport
My brother Soubhik is into adventure sports like Dragonboat Racing, Rock Climbing & Scuba Diving. In my dream a few days ago, he was wearing fire protection outfit and using a flame thrower in a closed room; we could see him through a glass window. Basically, it was a form of adventure sports that he was into...
He invited his fiance Edna to join him inside the room and the two of them, masked & gloved were burning things up. It was then I realized that Yogi has also joined them in this dangerous sport...But things suddenly spiraled out of control and he was on fire... I woke up with my heart beating in fright!

Don't know how the dream started but I remember that there were lots of magazines and papers in a room. It was basically trash in my house that I needed to get rid of. So I started cutting up the papers and trying to set them on fire. Unfortunately, the flames were not very strong and it was taking me a lot of time & effort to get them to stay lit and generate strong flames. I remember getting so frustrated in the process because I wanted to clear my house.
Meaning of Fire: Depending on the context of your dream, to see fire in your dream can symbolize destruction, passion, desire, illumination, transformation, enlightenment, or anger. It may suggest that something old is passing and something new is entering into your life.
(In my case, the new house, the new baby)
To dream that a house is on fire, indicates that you need to undergo some transformation.
If you are setting a fire to something or even to yourself, then it indicates that you are undergoing some great distress. Feelings of anger and frustration. There are is some situation in your life that you can no longer avoid and ignore. Emotions or attitudes that tend to consume you. (I am scared about the fact that I know next to nothing about looking after a baby... And I am frustrated that my husband has much more interest, attention and shows greater responsibility for his job, office politics/colleagues and stupid things like facebook)
To dream that you or someone is being burned alive, suggests that you are being consumed by your own ambition.
(In this case, it might be the tremendous stress involved in getting this house ready, right from finding it, getting a loan, getting the lawyers to work as per our tight schedule, getting the renovation done quickly and correctly while trying to reduce cost, getting the house to look good)
I realize that I am extremely weary now, the pregnancy and the house have really sapped my strength. Plus, I feel that I have had to push my husband every step of the way, even till today and it sometimes feels just too much. And in spite of it all, I feel that my husband takes me for granted!