I dream of Animals
For the last few weeks, I have been dreaming of animals. The 2 dreams that I remember are of being afraid of the snake and the Tiger. In both dreams, I am scared of being bitten.
The tiger dream was the most recent (after a fight in the night with Yogi). I can remember the bare skeleton of the dream. There are 3 cots in a large room and I think I am with Yogi and he has brought the tigers for me as a treat. After a while, I can't see the tigers anymore and I realize that they are hiding under the cots. I am afraid that they will pounce without warning and bite me if I put my foot down.
The interpretation of the Tiger dream seems to be - Tigers are predators who stealthily stalk their victims. Are you feeling stalked by something? Another of the tiger's actions in the wild is its ability to pounce without warning. Therefore, a tiger in a dream can represent powerful emotions that seem to spew up from nowhere, or powerful mood swings. Take a look at your emotions and see if there is something you've been repressing that may be waiting to leap out without warning.
The interpretation of the Snake dreams seem to be - To see a snake or be bitten by one in your dream, signifies hidden fears and worries that are threatening you. Snakes appearing in dreams can often symbolize a fear of the unknown. They can point to a deep seated anxiety that something isn't right or a nagging feeling that something is waiting for them, something bad, like a snake in the grass. Is there something going on in your life that you are afraid of doing simply because you've never done it before?
So if I try to understand this in context to what is currently taking place in my life, I realize that the fears of pregnancy, the anger with my husband have all resulted in mood swings, where I am elated and depressed at alternate turns.
I fear that I might have the same fractious relationship with my daughter as my mother has with me.
And I am angry and frustrated with my husband because I am unable to make him realize how much his limited interest in me and the baby is affecting our relationship. I am afraid and angry that I will be raising our kids alone while he is there only for the good times, only to play the 'good Cop'.
It scares me about how will we cope once we bring the baby home, will she be safe and healthy, etc... I need to CONQUER my FEARS!!!